For Business

REFERENCE! LEAD Employee Mentorship with purpose - Influential ME! - Active (LMS-100)

Follow this course to gain a comprehensive understanding of how The LEAD MIndset and the main concepts can make you an effective mentor to grow leaders. The content in this course includes a discussion on why mindset is so important for the self-development as well as how the LEAD mindset empowers the individual to improve their "offer".

The goal of mentoring with The LEAD Mindset is to foster leadership skills and the ability to solve real-world problems in individuals who are willing to release their leadership potential. For school age children, this will then equip them with the necessary traits to bridge the gap between what they are taught in schools and the skills they need to take up leadership roles in businesses and life.

In this introductory course, employee mentors will learn how to support proteges with taking their first leadership steps by introducing them to a taster of the six leadership concepts that The LEAD Mindset is built on.

Upon completing the course, the learners will be able to take responsibility of the their owned tasks, deliver excellence and empower others within their communities.

The commitment is two days which is broken down into:
- 120 minutes training hours
- 4 hours preparation time over the duration of the programme
- 7 hours practice ( mentoring proteges)
There is 4 hours worth of supporting material on our mentor portal.

  • Instruction on How to Navigate the LEAD LMS ( 5 min )
  • **********welcome & introduction*********
  • Message From the CEO (6 min)
  • The LEAD Curriculum Model of Learning for upskilling employees (2min)
  • ***********Mentor Baseline & learning journey*********
  • My mentoring 'know how' survey (3 min)
  • How do you get to practise Mentoring?
  • The Goal of mentoring with LEAD (3 min)
  • Planning
  • How to prepare for learning with us - 6 minutes
  • Mentor summary scripts information
  • Planning
  • ***********LEAD MENTOR TRAINING - FACE-2-FACE************
  • Introduction to The LEAD Mindet® Journey - What to expect
  • How Will Protégés Learn
  • **********MENTOR CHALLENGE 0:The Blue Print of service leadership************
  • Mentor Script 0 - Introduction To The LEAD Mindset
  • Baseline survey: What leadership means to you
  • Rewire 0: Knowledge
  • Begin with the end in mind: Communicating your solution
  • Leader, leadership. leading 3:41mins
  • The six building blocks of the LEAD Mindset
  • How to Give Feedback as a Service Leader ( 3 min )
  • Rewire 0: Challenge
  • Rewire challenge 0 - REAPS
  • Rewire 0: Example
  • BBC Employees interpretation of REAPS. (1 min)
  • TEAM B SYNERGY - SANTANDER APRIL 2021(1. 23 min)
  • How should service leaders behave? (2 min)
  • Rewire 0: Upload
  • Upload your REAPS video here
  • Downloadable form - DNA
  • Rewire 0: Reflection & Review
  • Self Evaluation For challenge 0 ( 2 min.)
  • **************MENTOR challenge 1 - Raise The Bar*****************
  • Mentor Script 1 - Raise The Bar
  • Service leadership step 1 (3 min)
  • REWIRE 1 - Knowledge
  • finding your personal why (4 min)
  • Finding your why for making a podcast
  • A guide(from aviation) you can use to help proteges decide on the why (3 min)
  • REWIRE 1 - Challenge
  • Mind The Gap conversation: IBM Leaders explain their challenge
  • Interview: Aicha Evans CEO of ZOOX - Black women in technology
  • Discussion task - Start with the why (12mins)
  • Challenge 1 example: leaders share their why (1 min)
  • Mentor challenge - Your why
  • Self Evaluation For challenge 1 ( 2 min.)
  • **************MENTOR Challenge 2 - EXAMPLE OF EXCELLENCE************
  • Mentor script 2 – Example of Excellence
  • Service leadership step 2 - Example of Excellence (3 min)
  • Quiz 1 - Difference between excellence and perfection (2 min)
  • Rewire 2: Knowledge
  • Information on roles and responsibilities ( 4 min)
  • Rewire 2: Challenge
  • Roles & responsibilities
  • Proteges' Assignment: Assigning roles & Agreeing Podcast Content (2 min)
  • Rewire 2: Upload
  • Downloadable form - Rewire 2 - Example of excellence
  • Rewire 2: Review & Reflection
  • Self Evaluation For challenge 2 ( 2 min.)
  • ***************MENTOR challenge 3- AUTHENTICITY***************
  • Mentor script 3 – Authenticity
  • Service Leadership Step 3 - Authenticity (4 min)
  • Rewire 3: Knowledge
  • Challenge 3 information - Elements of a Story (5mins)
  • Begin with the end in mind: Communicating the solution in a story
  • Rewire 3: Challenge
  • Protege group task: Preparing to record the podcast discussion (2 min)
  • Rewire 3: Example
  • Rewire 3: Upload
  • Challenge 3 outcome: Podcast Launch Statement (2 min)
  • Rewire 3: Reflection & Review
  • Self Evaluation For challenge 3 ( 2 min.)
  • *****************MENTOR challenge 4 - right attitude***********
  • Mentor script 4 – Attitude - removing obstacles to listening
  • Service Leadership Step 4 - Attitude ( 3 min)
  • How well do you listen? (convert to a survey)
  • Rewire 4: Knowledge
  • Stages to Produce a Podcast(needs some tweaks)
  • Tips on listening(convert to a video)
  • Editing process - tips from Tom, Sara & Yasmin(BBC Mentors) (3 min)
  • Rewire 4: Challenge
  • Group leader task - Downloading software for editing ( 2 min)
  • Protege task - Edit your Podcast and gather some feedback (2 min)
  • Rewire 4: Example
  • Tips on How to Get People to Listen to Your Podcast & examples of podcasts 7min
  • rewire 4: Reflection & Review
  • Self Evaluation For challenge 4 ( 2 min)
  • *******MENTOR challenge 5 - Paradigm shift to Service Inspiration &LEGACY*****
  • Mentor Script 5 – Paradigm shift to service Legacy & footprints
  • Service Leadership Step 5 - Footprints and Legacy (2min)
  • rewire 5: Knowledge
  • Introduction to The LEAD Mindet® Journey Students PURPOSE
  • What Legacy means in the service space?
  • Rewire 5: Challenge
  • Testimonial: Purposeful re-invention and your legacy
  • Rewire 5: Example
  • Dima talks abot his mentoring experience
  • Rewire 5: upload
  • Mentor upload - Testimonial
  • Protege task - Uploading your podcast - legacy (5 min)
  • Rewire 5: Reflection & Review
  • Self Evaluation For challenge 5 ( 2 min.)
  • ************MENTOR CHALLENGE 6- CELEBRATION & SHOWCASE**************
  • Leadership Context 6 - Celebration and Evaluations (2 min)
  • Rewire 6: Reflection & review
  • Self Evaluation For challenge 6 ( 2 min.)
  • End of Programme survey: CERTIFICATES
  • Employee Mentor Programme Pilot Survey (5 min)
  • Section 13
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Employee Mentor Programme Pilot Survey (5 min)"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever